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Remaining in the EU will terminally damage the UK's Environment

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Remain politics claim the reason the UK voted to leave the EU in 2016 was because the British Public didn't understand the implications of leaving, and the Leave campaign told lies.  The shock of leave winning was because, despite Remain being supported by large sections of the media, (including the BBC), and the majority of Members of Parliament, the House of Lords and the Establishment, (with their privileged access to European and UK law); the British public would not have the wool pulled over their eyes by blatant misrepresentation in all sectors of the economy.   


In fact the electorate voted to leave because they had years of experience of living at the EU 'coal face' and the frustrations of their lives being impacted by 'wrong and non' decisions over which they had no democratic redress.  They also knew that the 'freedom of movement' of the people, a cornerstone policy of the German government, was being misused to provide cheap labour for the richer EU states.  'Freedom' was and is a euphonism for 'economic displacement,' smashing beyond repair the economies and culture of the smaller weaker states.  Since the introduction of the Euro, any form of symbiotic, or mutual relationship between states has been lost to greed, and the introduction of new economic ground rules which can be manipulated to reward inefficiency and negative economic growth.  Plus the ever increasing threat of a United States of Europe, a policy which had been emboldened and pursued after the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in February 1992.  There is little doubt that a referendum simply asking whether the electorate would join a United States of Europe, or regain its sovereign state identity would have produced the same political split, but the vote for a Sovereign identity would have been far more positive than the actual referendum in 2016, 24 years after Maastricht.


The 2019 election is a rerun of the referendum, but without the clear democratic mandate.  To 'Get Brexit Done' will require a far greater majority of Parliamentry seats, which will have to be won from Remain incumbents to ensure Parliament reflects the democratic will.  The Parliamentary construct, which caused the 2019 election, is a simple division between those who believe in a Union of the regions of the UK, being operated for the National good, both fiscally, socially, and culturally. 


Remain members of Parliament are Supranationalists,  They believe in , ("A political union of member states, where negotiated power is delegated to a central authority, by the elected governments of the member states.").  The origin of the term supranational is German, referred and dated to 1860-1870 when the 'German Confederation' of states, (considered Supranationalist states),  lost status under Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) to what became known as 'German Empire' (1871 to 1918).   Supranational entered legal language  at the commencement of  'The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC),' formed by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany in 1951, (the 'Treaty of Paris.' ), and it was the first ever grouping of countries based on the principles of supranationalism.  Supranationalism is written into the EU and the four political control groupings agreed in the treaty of Paris survive to the EU of today; the European Commission, European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Court of Justice. Since the ECSC transformed into the EU it has increased membership to 28 states, but retaining the same 'closed shop' protectionism which charecterised the ECSC.  Intergovernmentalism, (with the addition of member states),  has been added to the mix, in an attempt to re-engage with democracy.  A retrograde step which has given any state, (small or large), a right of veto on the inconsequential, to the planet threatening response to global warming.


The EU is a dying institution, with the advent of the Euro and the Maastricht Treaty all pretence of a moral compass was abandoned, in Western Europe the Celtic Tiger economy in Ireland was a never to be repeated remnent of the decline in ECSC moral status; and as Ireland were to find out the social and economic costs of staying within the fiscal rules of the euro offset any previous 'Tiger' largesse.  Many politicans within the EU and the UK are seeking to change to a Federal, or United States of Europe with the central authority no longer controlled by negotiation, and the states having minimal control.  This is at a time when the political tide in the UK is switching to  less 'Londoncentrism ' and more regional control fiscally, socially, culturally and commercially.  With a central Parliament concerned with International trade, defence, law and order,health and energy. 



This Page Will be Completed on 12th December








































































































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